Although one of the most anticipated seasons, the monsoon also causes a lot of skin problems. Our skin is has issues like clogged pores and the humid environment we deal with causes damages. All skin types should take extra precautions in this type of weather because it is so damaging. Itching will undoubtedly top the list of skin problems that you can have.
To deal with itchiness in the monsoon the following will help soothe your problem:
We all know the importance of exfoliating our skin, it is important to deep clean our face and remove all the dead cells to bring out fresh skin cells that give a natural glow, especially in monsoon season. Those who have oily skin can try this exfoliator. Mix 5 tablespoons of fuller earth with 5 tablespoons of orange peel and 5 tablespoons of sandalwood powder and keep it in a jar. When you wish to exfoliate, which should be at least twice a week in monsoon, then take 1 tablespoon from the jar, mix it with rose water, and 2 drops of tea tree essential oil. The microbe-fighting properties make tea tree oil a natural remedy that helps in treating bacterial and fungal skin conditions, prevents infections, and promotes healing. Apply the pack and leave it on for a minute or 2. Massage it for a minute and rinse it off. Be careful, if you have sensitive skin then do a patch test first before using the oil as tea tree is a strong oil.
If your skin is itching, apply a paste comprised of two spoons of baking soda and one spoon of lemon water to it while taking a bath. Then wash it after waiting five to ten minutes. This will stop your itching if you do it every day.
When you have itchy skin, sandalwood should be your go-to product. Apply a sandalwood pack to your skin by combining sandalwood and rose water; leave it on for at least 20 minutes. This will instantly relax you and reduce all inflammatory reactions.
Coconut oil’s anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties aid in maintaining healthy skin. It is particularly efficient at treating skin infections and nourishing the skin. If you experience itching, massage coconut oil into the problem areas and allow your skin to fully absorb it.
Long or frequent baths can deplete the skin of its natural oils. Avoid using any alcohol-based skin products, antimicrobial soaps, or soap bars that are scented. Choose gentle soaps or a milk-based moisturising body wash instead. Finish your showers and baths in under ten minutes, and moisturise the skin while it’s still damp.
Even if it may be cold outside, the sun is still somewhere in the distance drying your skin. Additionally, this time of year has the strongest UV radiation. If you intend to spend time outside, use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 25 at least 30 minutes before you go. When spending more time outside, reapply.
Neem possesses antimicrobial properties that are excellent for treating skin-related problems. It can also be applied to the management of itching. Neem leaves can be applied topically after being crushed. For your bath time, you can also use neem soap bars.
(Dr. Blossom Kochhar, Chairperson Blossom Kochhar Group of Companies)