Boston Terrier Dog Breed, Price, Lifespan, Temperament and Size
Boston Terrier Breed Overview
One of the most searched dog breeds on the internet, Boston Terrier belongs to the small size dog. Also known as Boston Bull Terrier, this breed was discovered first in the United States. The average lifespan of this dog breed is 13-15 years and is associated with the Companion Dogs Group.
Boston Terrier Breed Price
Boston Terrier from regular breeders cost you from $600 to $800 per puppy.
Boston Terrier Breed Size
The Boston Terrier varies in size: males are normally 15-17 inches (38-43 cm)in height and around 10-25 pounds (6-11kg)in weight, while females are normally around 15-17 inches (38-43 cm) in height and 10-25 pounds (6-11kg) in weight.
Boston Terrier Breed Temperament
Personality: Bostons tend to be good-natured, playful dogs. For people who want a cheerful companion, the Boston can be great choice. Bostons generally get along well with other pets, even cats, especially if they are raised together.
Boston Terrier Breed Lifespan
The average lifespan for an Boston Terrier is 13 to 15 years. That’s because these are medium-sized dogs with a good mix of genes in their blood.
Interesting Facts about Boston Terrier Dog
- Short-nosed dogs like Boston Terriers can’t cool the air going into their lungs as efficiently as longer-nosed breeds, and they’re much more susceptible to heat stress. Because of their short coat, they can’t stand extremely cold weather either. Even in temperate climates, the Boston Terrier should be kept indoors.
- Because Boston Terriers can have respiratory problems, avoid pulling on your dog’s collar to get him to go what you want.
- Your Boston Terrier is prone to corneal ulcers because his eyes are so large and prominent. Be careful about his eyes when you’re playing or taking him for a walk.
- Depending in part upon their diets, Boston Terriers can be prone to flatulence. If you can’t tolerate a gassy dog, a Boston Terrier may not be for you.
- Because of their short noses, Boston Terriers often snort, drool, and snore (sometimes loudly).
- With their large heads and small pelvises, whelping isn’t easy for Boston Terrier mothers. If you have thoughts about breeding, be sure you realize that in addition to the potential whelping problems that often require a caesarean section, Boston Terrier litters typically are not large (a litter consisting of only one puppy is not uncommon). You may have to wait for several months to get a good quality Boston Terrier puppy from a qualified breeder.
- While Boston Terriers typically are quiet, gentle dogs, not prone to yappiness or aggression, males can be scrappy around other dogs that they feel are invading their territory.
- Boston Terriers can be gluttonous about their food, so monitor their condition and make sure they don’t become overweight.
- They can be stubborn, so persistence and consistency are definite pluses in training methods. They are sensitive to your tone of voice, and punishment can make them shut down, so training should be low-key and motivational. Crate-training is recommended while housetraining your Boston Terrier.
FAQ’s on Boston Terrier
Are Boston Terrier Dangerous Dogs? Are Boston Terrier naturally aggressive?
The Boston terrier is not naturally aggressive. One of the reasons the Boston terrier is so beloved by pet owners—coming in 23rd in popularity in 2021, according to the American Kennel Club’s ranking of 197 breeds—is because of the breed’s even-keeled temperament.
Are Boston Terrier smart?
Yes, Boston Terrier are a highly intelligent dog breed.
Are Boston Terrier trainable?
They are highly trainable, have the ability to learn complicated tasks, and perform excellently as search and rescue dogs.
Can Boston Terrier be kept with other dogs?
Keep their training sessions short and different each time, begin when they are young and always use positive reinforcement. Boston Terriers are a social breed and enjoy human interaction and playing with other dogs. They will benefit from socializing from an early age and attending puppy socialization classes.
Do Boston Terrier kill people?
This is a myth. Even when raised improperly, Boston Terrier will not kill a person. When they attack, it is due to them being raised and socialized improperly by the owner. The reason that they can hurt people more than most other dog breeds is the fact that they have strong jaws and have a bad reputation due to which victims are in shock.
Do Boston Terrier have locking jaws?
No, they do not have locking jaws.
Are Boston Terrier safe to keep with kids?
The Boston Terrier loves children and makes a good playmate for them. He’s small enough that he won’t knock them down but large enough that he’s not easily injured. In general, he gets along well with other dogs and cats, especially if he’s socialized to them at an early age.
Are Boston Terrier unpredictable dogs?
The Boston terrier is not naturally aggressive. One of the reasons the Boston terrier is so beloved by pet owners—coming in 23rd in popularity in 2021, according to the American Kennel Club’s ranking of 197 breeds—is because of the breed’s even-keeled temperament
What should I feed my Boston Terrier?
Boston Terriers are known to piling on the pounds, however, so their diet should consist of biologically appropriate proteins, healthy fats, ground bones and vegetables – which are packed with essential vitamins and minerals – for optimum health and performance.
At what age is a Boston Terrier fully grown?
Boston Terrier stop growing at around 10 month of age. However, they tend to thicken up until they are around 14month old.
When do Boston Terrier lose their teeth?
Boston Terrier At about 8 weeks of age, your Boston Terrier pup will start to lose her puppy teeth. “At about 8 weeks of age, your pup will start to lose his deciduous teeth.
How long does a Boston Terrier live?
A Boston Terrier can live anywhere from 12 to 15 years.