Australian Shepherd Lab Mix Dog Breed, Price, Lifespan, Temperament and Size
Australian Shepherd Lab Mix Dog Breed Overview
One of the most searched dog breeds on the internet, Australian Shepherd Lab Mix belongs to the medium size dog. Also known as Aussiedors. The average lifespan of this dog breed is 12-15 years and is associated with the Mixed Breed Dogs Group.
Dog Breed Name: Australian Shepherd Lab Mix Other Names: Aussiedors Size: Medium size dog Average Height: 22 to 25 inches Average Weight: 40 to 80 pounds Energy: high energy level Origin: Na Group: Mixed Breed Dogs Life Span: 12 to 15 years Dog Breed Overview: The Australian Shepherd Lab mixed dog breed may have existed naturally over the years, but designer breeders started intentionally mixing Australian Shepherd and Labrador Retrievers in the late 1990s, likely in North America.The mix's Labradors Retriever parent hails from Newfoundland where they worked along side fishermen. Today they make great companions and guide dogs, and often work as drug detection dogs. They need to have jobs and are happiest when they are active.The mix's Australian Shepherd parent is actually from the US. They were originally bread to herd cattle and need to stay active. They're also happiest when they have a job to do.The Aussie Shepherd Lab mix was bread to be a super working dog. Mixing two breeds also minimizes health issues that tend to affect pure breeds, as they are often inbred. Breeders continued to create Australian Shepherd Lab Mixes as demand for the mixed breed pups climbed.Even though the Australian Shepherd Lab Mix got their start as a designer breed, some have ended up in shelters or in the care of rescue groups. Consider adoption if you decide this is the pup for you. Check your local shelters, look up Australian Shepherd Lab Mix rescues, or check with breed specific Australian Shepherd and Labrador Retriever rescues, as they sometimes help to re-home mixed breed dogs. Colours: brown, cream, black, tan, and brindle. Temperament: Friendly, happy and energetic Pros:
NA Cons: NA
Australian Shepherd Lab Mix Dog Breed Price
Australian Shepherd Lab Mix from regular breeders cost you from $ 400 to $ 800 per puppy.
Australian Shepherd Lab Mix Dog Breed Size
The Australian Shepherd Lab Mix varies in size: males are normally 22 to 25 inchesin height and around 40 to 80 pounds in weight, while females are normally around 22 to 25 inches in height and 40 to 80 pounds in weight
Australian Shepherd Lab Mix Dog Breed Temperament
Australian Shepherd Lab Mixs generally have a friendly and affectionate personality. They also usually have a very playful temperament and love to engage in games and dog sports with their humans. They also tend to take well to training.
How long does a Australian Shepherd Lab Mix live
The average lifespan for an Australian Shepherd Lab Mix is 12 to 15 years. That’s because these are medium-sized dogs with a good mix of genes in their blood.
Interesting Facts about Australian Shepherd Lab Mix Dog
- Australian Shepherd Lab Mixes are mixed breed dog. They are not purebreds like their Australian Shepherd or Labrador Retriever parents.
- The main colors of Australian Shepherd Lab Mixes are brown, cream, black, tan, and brindle. They are often a blend and mix of any of these colors.
- These dogs are generally not recommended for people with allergies. They tend to shed quite a bit.
- Australian Shepherd Lab Mixes can be very tolerant of children, but like all dogs, should be supervised when around youngsters. They may try to herd small children thinking they are part of their flock.
- Australian Shepherd Labs do get along with other dogs but it is important to socialize puppies. This gets them used to other dogs and also to people, although they are also affectionate to strangers.
- These pups like to stay active through the day. If they get bored, they could become destructive. They enjoy activities like frisbee, swimming, hiking, and walking. If you need a running partner, the Aussie Shepherd Lab could be your new coach.
FAQ’s on Australian Shepherd Lab Mix Dog
Are Australian Shepherd Lab Mix Dangerous Dogs? Are Australian Shepherd Lab Mix naturally aggressive?
Aussies are known for being especially eager to please their owners. True to their herding instincts, Aussies are very protective of their families and territory and will let you know if strangers approach, but they are not considered aggressive.
Are Australian Shepherd Lab Mix smart?
Yes, Australian Shepherd Lab Mix are a highly intelligent dog breed.
Are Australian Shepherd Lab Mix trainable?
They are highly trainable, have the ability to learn complicated tasks, and perform excellently as search and rescue dogs.
Can Australian Shepherd Lab Mix be kept with other dogs?
Australian Shepherd Labs do get along with other dogs but it is important to socialize puppies. This gets them used to other dogs and also to people, although they are also affectionate to strangers. These pups like to stay active through the day. If they get bored, they could become destructive.
Do Australian Shepherd Lab Mix have locking jaws?
No, they do not have locking jaws.
Are Australian Shepherd Lab Mix safe to keep with kids?
They tend to shed quite a bit. Australian Shepherd Lab Mixes can be very tolerant of children, but like all dogs, should be supervised when around youngsters. They may try to herd small children thinking they are part of teir flock.
What should I feed my Australian Shepherd Lab Mix?
Australian Shepherd Lab Mixs are known to piling on the pounds, however, so their diet should consist of biologically appropriate proteins, healthy fats, ground bones and vegetables – which are packed with essential vitamins and minerals – for optimum health and performance.
When does a Australian Shepherd Lab Mix mature?
Australian Shepherd Lab Mix reach sexual maturity at around 18 months and can start breeding after this age. Australian Shepherd Lab Mix usually go into their first heat around 9 months. After that, they will go into heat about every 6 months. If you are breeding your Australian Shepherd Lab Mix, it’s not recommended to breed them under the age of 18 months old. Many responsible Australian Shepherd Lab Mix breeders start breeding after 2 years after the dog’s growth is completed.
How long does a Australian Shepherd Lab Mix live?
An Australian Shepherd Lab Mix can live anywhere from 12 to 15 years.