Beagle Dog Breed, Price, Lifespan, Temperament and Size
Beagle Dog Breed Overview
One of the most searched dog breeds on the internet, Beagle belongs to the small size dog. Also known as English Beagle, this breed was discovered first in England. The average lifespan of this dog breed is 10-15 years and is associated with the Hunting Dogs Group.
Dog Breed Name: | Beagle |
Other Names: | English Beagle |
Size: | small size dog |
Average Height: | 14-16 inches (36-41 cm), |
Average Weight: | 22-25 pounds (10-11 kg), |
Energy: | Medium energy level |
Origin: | England |
Group: | Mixed Breed Dogs |
Life Span: | 10-15 years |
Dog Breed Overview: | The origin of the word "beagle" is uncertain. It's thought that it may have been derived from the French word begueule, meaning open throat, or from the Old English word beag, meaning small. Others think it may have come from the French word beugler, meaning to bellow, or the German word begele, meaning to scold.The breed's history is cloudy as well because breeds as we know them today didn't really develop until the 19th century. Greek documents from 400 B.C. describe Beagle-like dogs, and the Romans may have brought small rabbit-hunting hounds with them to England and bred them with the local hounds.William the Conqueror reportedly brought Talbot hounds (now extinct) to England during the Norman Conquest in 1066. These dogs are thought to be the ancestors of the Beagle and the Foxhound.Beagles became popular in England very early in its history. During the reigns of Edward II (1307 - 1327) and Henry VII (1485 - 1509), extremely small beagles, called Glove Beagles, were popular. They reportedly were small enough to be held in a gloved hand. There's also mention of Singing Beagles, named for their bugling voices.Elizabeth I (1533 - 1603) kept packs of Pocket Beagles that stood only 9 inches tall. These small dogs were depicted in paintings as short-legged and pointy nosed. They were used for hunting, but quickly fell out of favor because they weren't very fast.In the 1700s, fox hunting became popular in England, and the Beagle fell out of favor as the larger Foxhound became the dog of choice. If it hadn't been for the farmers in England, Ireland, and Wales who continued to keep packs to hunt rabbit and hare, the breed might have become extinct at that time.In the mid-1800s Reverend Phillip Honeywood established a pack of Beagles in Essex, England. These dogs are thought to be the ancestors of the modern Beagle. Rev. Honeywood bred for hunting skills, not looks. Thomas Johnson, a fellow Englishman, was responsible for breeding Beagles who were both attractive and good hunters.At about the same time, American breeders started importing Beagles from England to improve the looks of their own dogs. Many of the English imports were bred to an average height of 15 to 17 inches at the shoulder so they could hunt fox. American breeders started breeding them to be smaller for rabbit hunting.Of interest is the "Patch" Beagle strain developed by Willet Randall in New York around 1880. The line is primarily white with a very large tri-colored spot. They were very popular in the 1940s and 1950s because they were able to run so fast. Today, many people call lemon and white or red and white beagles "Patch" beagles.The American Kennel Club and the first Beagle specialty club both were founded in 1884. In that same year, the AKC began registering Beagles.In 1916, five members of the National Beagle Club purchased 508 acres in Western Loudoun County, Virginia for the purpose of holding field trials. The men who purchased it formed a corporation called Institute Corporate to purchase and own the land, then leasing it to the Institute Foundation that maintains the property for the National Beagle Club, which today is the site of many activities of the National Beagle Club.and English Bulldogs, likely twenty years or so ago in North America.Breeders wanted to mix the two parent breeds to elongate the muzzle of the English Bulldog, which often creates breathing problems. They continued to create Beabulls as demand for this mild mannered companion dog climbed.Even though the Beabull mixed breed got their start as a designer breed, some have still ended up in shelters or in rescue groups. If this dog is the one for you, consider adoption.Check your local shelters, rescue groups, and breed specific Beagle or English Bulldog rescues, as they sometimes take in mixed breeds and find homes for them." |
Colours: | Tan,Red,Tricolor,White,Black |
Temperament: | Friendly,Independent,Lively,Sweet,Gentle,Intelligent,Loving |
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Beagle Dog Breed Price
American Beagle from regular breeders cost you from $500 to $800 per puppy.
Beagle Dog Breed Size
The Beagle varies in size: males are normally about 14-16 inches (36-41 cm), in height and around 22-25 pounds (10-11 kg), in weight, while females are normally around 17–20 inches (43–50 cm) in height and 13-15 inches (33-38 cm)in weight.
Beagle Dog Breed Temperament
The temperament of a Beagle is notoriously friendly and gentle. They are even-tempered dogs, neither too aggressive nor too timid. They have medium energy and are of a smaller build. Other Beagles traits are “happy-go-lucky,” and loyal.
Beagle Dog Breed Lifespan
The average lifespan for an Beagle is 10 to 15 years. That’s because these are medium-sized dogs with a good mix of genes in their blood.
Interesting Facts about Beagle Dog
- Beagles can be difficult to housetrain. Some people say it can take up to a year to fully housetrain some Beagles. Crate training is absolutely recommended.
- Beagles can get bored if left alone in a house too long. If left in a backyard, Beagles will start finding ways to amuse themselves, usually by howling, digging, or trying to escape.
- The most common reason Beagles are turned over to rescue groups is because either their owners or their owners’ neighbors got tired of their baying. Be sure that you are prepared to work with your dog to control excessive barking and howling.
- Beagles are targets for thieves who would steal them and perhaps sell them to research laboratories for use in experiments. Supervise your Beagle when he is outdoors and be sure to have him microchipped!
- Since they are scenthounds, Beagles will wander off if they catch an enticing smell in the air. Their noses control their brains, and if they smell something interesting, nothing else exists in their world.
- Although they are loving and gentle, Beagles can have an independent, stubborn streak. Obedience training is recommended, but be sure the instructor of the class understands hound personality and favors using food as a reward (which few Beagles can resist).
- Do you remember how the famous cartoon Beagle Snoopy worried about his food bowl? Beagles are “chow hounds” and will overeat if given a chance. Monitor the amount of food you give them and be sure to keep your cupboards closed and your trashcans secured. Otherwise, your Beagle will sniff out the foods he likes the best.
- In regards to food, your Beagle probably will take its food bowl pretty seriously. Teach children to respect your Beagle while it is eating, and not to approach it or tease it with food.
- Beagles are not good protection or guard dogs because they’re usually friendly to everyone they meet.
FAQ’s on Beagle Dog
Are Beagle Dangerous Dogs? Are Beagle naturally aggressive?
Beagles are not aggressive dogs. The only time they become confrontational is if they feel like their dominance is threatened and there is a need to protect their territory. Your beagle can also act aggressively towards other dogs out of fear and pain
Are Beagle smart?
Yes, Beagle are a highly intelligent dog breed.
Are Beagle trainable?
They are highly trainable, have the ability to learn complicated tasks, and perform excellently as search and rescue dogs.
Can Beagle be kept with other dogs?
Beagles are friendly, loving dogs who get along well with most other dogs. They have a sociable temperament and have been bred to thrive in packs. They are high energy dogs who love company, so they will generally welcome a new dog into their home
Can a Beagle attack its owner?
The breed is friendly, social, and affectionate towards humans as well as other animals. However, pain can trigger sudden aggression, which can even make a beagle to attack. Although beagle dogs bark and can be quite loud and disruptive when bored, it is unlikely that they will attack humans unprovoked
Do Beagle have locking jaws?
No, they do not have locking jaws.
Are Beagle safe to keep with kids?
Beagles bond with everyone in the family, especially children. They can be rambunctious when playing, however, so they need to be properly socialized and supervised with very young children.
What should I feed my Beagle?
Vegetables, fruits, and carbohydrates such as brown rice add healthy fiber to the food. Avoid ingredients like meat by-products and cereal grains such as corn or wheat, which can be harder for your beagle to digest than whole meats or meat meals.
At what age is a Beagle fully grown?
Beagle reaches the one year old, you should expect them to calm down a lot over the subsequent 6 to 12 months. Although your Beagle may continue to be hyper after two years, it will never be to the same extent of them in their adolescent age.
When do Beagle lose their teeth?
By the time, your puppy is about six months old or so, all of his puppy teeth should have fallen out, and his adult teeth should have grown in.
How long does a Beagle live?
An Beagle can live anywhere from 10 to 14 years.