Bossie Dog Breed, Price, Lifespan, Temperament and Size
Bossie Breed Overview
One of the most searched dog breeds on the internet, Bossie belongs to the Medium size dog. this breed was discovered first in the Australian, North America. The average lifespan of this dog breed is 12-15 years and is associated with the Mixed Breed Dogs Group.
Bossie Breed Price
Bossies from regular breeders cost you from $1000 to $ 1800 per puppy.
Bossie Breed Size
The Bossie varies in size: males are normally about 15 to 23 inches, in height and around 25 to 40 pounds in weight, while females are normally 15 to 23 inches height and 25 to 40 pounds weight.
Bossie Breed Temperament
These dogs are smart and can be quick learners, but they can also be stubborn and forget training just as quickly as they learn it. For an energetic, consistent owner, their loyalty will go far with positive reinforcement. Bossies are best suited for families with older children.
Bossie Breed Lifespan
The average lifespan for an Bossie is 12 to 15 years. That’s because these are medium-sized dogs with a good mix of genes in their blood.
Interesting Facts about Bossie Dog
- Bossies are mixed breed dogs. They are not purebreds like their Boston Terrier and Australian Shepherd parents.
- The main colors of Bossies are black, red or brown, and white. Rarely solid they typically have two or three blended colors.
- They usually have short coats and are not considered to be a good choice for allergy sufferers. There are longer-coated Bossies, too. If they get their Aussie parent’s coat, they may require more brushing.
- Bossies are prone to weight gain, and they have high energy levels. Make sure your dog gets at least one to two hours of exercise per day. Boredom can lead to destructive behavior.
- These dogs are smart and can be quick learners, but they can also be stubborn and forget training just as quickly as they learn it. For an energetic, consistent owner, their loyalty will go far with positive reinforcement.
- Bossies are best suited for families with older children. The Bossie is from “herding dog” parentage, and if the Australian Shepherd parent DNA is strong, they may herd kids or other ppets. However, once they’re properly trained, Bossies make wonderful companions for families with kids.
FAQ’s on Bossie
Are Bossie Dangerous Dogs? Are Bossie naturally aggressive?
Generally, Bossie aren’t aggressive toward other dogs, although in an uncontrolled situation their sighthound heritage may take over, especially if small dogs are running around. Some can be aggressive toward dogs of he same sex.
Are Bossie smart?
Yes, Bossie are a highly intelligent dog breed.
Are Bossie trainable?
They are highly trainable, have the ability to learn complicated tasks, and perform excellently as search and rescue dogs.
Can Bossie be kept with other dogs?
These strong, giant dogs have a great bite force and a high prey drive. Unfortunately, they often see small dogs or cats as prey rather than friends. Bossies can live with small dogs successfully, however, so long as they were raised around small dogs and have a low prey drive.
Can a Bossie attack its owner?
No, Bossie are a highly loyal breed. If this ever occurs it is due to poorly raising and socializing the dog and would be a very rare instance.
Another reason can be if the owner is interacting with a sexually charged up dog or a dog who does not consider the handler as a superior. Many Bossie breeders invite Bossie males into their kennel for mating. These males are in a new place and handled by new dog handlers. Instances of attacks on humans are possible in such a scenario. If you have brought a male Bossie for breeding, be aware that you are not the master in the dog’s eyes.
Do Bossie have locking jaws?
No, they do not have locking jaws.
Are Bossie safe to keep with kids?
When raised with children, most Bossie are good companions, but they are not a breed that will tolerate the rough treatment that a young child can sometimes inflict. Children should be taught how to properly behave with and handle a Bossie. Remember the size of the Bossie.
What should I feed my Bossie?
Bossies are known to piling on the pounds, however, so their diet should consist of biologically appropriate proteins, healthy fats, ground bones and vegetables – which are packed with essential vitamins and minerals – for optimum health and performance.
At what age is a Bossie fully grown?
Bossie stop growing at around 18 month of age. However, they tend to thicken up until they are around 4 years old.
When do Bossie lose their teeth?
They start losing teeth at various ages. Playing rough and chewing bones can cause them to come out prematurely. However, most start to lose their teeth in the 3-4 month range and are done teething by 6-8 months. The molars are usually some of the last to come out. Most of the other teeth are usually already their adult teeth.
How long does a Bossie live?
An Bossie can live anywhere from 12 to 15 years.