Braque Francais Pyrenean Dog Breed, Price, Lifespan, Temperament and Size
Braque Francais Pyrenean Breed Overview
One of the most searched dog breeds on the internet, Braque Francais Pyrenean belongs to the large size dog .Also known as the French Pointer, this breed was discovered first in the France. The average lifespan of this dog breed is 12-15 years and is associated with the Companion Dogs Group.
Braque Francais Pyrenean Breed Price
Braque Francais Pyrenean from regular breeders cost you from $600 to $1200 per puppy.
Braque Francais Pyrenean Breed Size
The Braque Francais Pyrenean varies in size: males are normally about 47–58 cm, in height and around 17–25 kg, in weight, while females are normally around 47–56 cm in height and 17–25 kg, in weight.
Braque Francais Pyrenean Breed Temperament
The Braque Francais Pyrenean is the smaller and more popular of the two. He has a natural retrieve instinct and loves water. He is gentle, friendly sociable, and submissive.
Braque Francais Pyrenean Breed Lifespan
The average lifespan for an Braque Francais Pyrenean is 12 to 15 years. That’s because these are medium-sized dogs with a good mix of genes in their blood.
Interesting Facts about Braque Francais Pyrenean Dog
- The Braque Francais Pyrenean comes with a brown and white coat. The coat is either a mix of brown and white or solid brown.
- The dog’s coat is short and feels smooth to the touch. Brushing it once a week should suffice.
- The Braque Francais Pyrenean needs lots of outdoor and exercise time. Aim for at least an hour a day.
- The Braque Francais Pyrenean usually does great in households that include children.
- The Braque Francais Pyrenean is a hunting dog and does not usually do well around other smaller animals due to their high prey drive. In many cases the Braque Francais Pyrenean will be okay living with another dog.
FAQ’s on Braque Francais Pyrenean
Are Braque Francais Pyrenean Dangerous Dogs? Are Braque Francais Pyrenean naturally aggressive?
Gentle, friendly, submissive dogs, Braque Français Pyreneans are eager to please their people. They make playful, loyal family pets and good watchdogs. More than anything, these pups are versatile hunting companions. They have solid retrieving and flushing skills, love water, and have a strong prey drive.
Are Braque Francais Pyrenean smart?
Yes, Braque Francais Pyrenean are a highly intelligent dog breed.
Are Braque Francais Pyrenean trainable?
They are highly trainable, have the ability to learn complicated tasks, and perform excellently as search and rescue dogs.
Can Braque Francais Pyrenean be kept with other dogs?
The Braque Francais Pyrenean is a hunting dog and does not usually do well around other smaller animals due to their high prey drive. In many cases the Braque Francais Pyrenean will be okay living with another dog, but remember to always supervise early interactions between a new dog and a resident pet.
Braque Francais Pyrenean attack its owner?
No, Braque Francais Pyrenean are a highly loyal breed. If this ever occurs it is due to poorly raising and socializing the dog and would be a very rare instance.
Another reason can be if the owner is interacting with a sexually charged up dog or a dog who does not consider the handler as a superior. Many Braque Francais Pyrenean breeders invite Braque Francais Pyrenean males into their kennel for mating. These males are in a new place and handled by new dog handlers. Instances of attacks on humans are possible in such a scenario. If you have brought a male Braque Francais Pyrenean for breeding, be aware that you are not the master in the dog’s eyes.
Do Braque Francais Pyrenean have locking jaws?
No, they do not have locking jaws.
Are Braque Francais Pyrenean safe to keep with kids?
Generally, Braque Francais Pyrenean are safe to keep with kids they have been raised with. It is important that the kids does not disturb a sleeping dog, does not snatch the dog’s food; do not poke fingers in the dog’s eyes, etc. It is best to judge their relationship slowly. Every dog is unique, as is every kid.
How long does a Braque Francais Pyrenean live?
A Braque Francais Pyrenean can live anywhere from 12 to 15 years.