Chinese Crested Dog Breed Price, Lifespan, Temperament and Size
Chinese Crested Dog Breed Overview
One of the most searched dog breeds on the internet, Chinese Crested belongs to the small size dog. Also known as Crested, this breed was discovered first in China . The average lifespan of this dog breed is 10-14 years and is associated with the Companion Dogs Group.
Dog Breed Name: Chinese Crested Other Names: Crested Size: small size dog Average Height: 10-13 inches (21-33 cm) Average Weight: 7-9 pounds (3-4 kg) Energy: low energy level Origin: China Group: Companion Dogs Life Span: 10 to 14 years Dog Breed Overview: Chinese Crested dogs don't really come from China. They evolved from African or Mexican (no one is certain which) hairless dogs who were reduced in size by the Chinese.The Crested is believed to have accompanied Chinese sailors on the high seas as early as 1530, hunting vermin during and between times of plague (today they can still be found in port cities worldwide). By the middle of the 19th century, Cresteds began to appear in numerous European paintings and prints.Earlier names of the Crested include Chinese Hairless, the Chinese Edible Dog, the Chinese Ship Dog, and the Chinese Royal Hairless.The Chinese bred the dog for its excellent ratting abilities aboard their ships, and sailors traded them at different ports. Documentation by Europeans of a hairless dog who closely resembled the Chinese Crested appears as early as the 1700s, when European travelers visited Chinese seaports and boarded Chinese trading vessels.] Colours: Tan,Blenheim,Tricolor,Ruby,Chocolate,Fawn,Cream,Red,Black Temperament: Affectionate,Courageous,Intelligent,Cheerful,Gentle,Social,Polite,Quiet,Active,Graceful,Fearless,Friendly,Nonaggressive,Sporty,No tendency towards nervousness,Alert,Devoted,Lively,Quick Pros:
Chinese Crested Dog Breed Price
Chinese Crested from regular breeders cost you from $800 to $1000 per puppy.
Chinese Crested Dog Breed Size
The Chinese Crested varies in size: males are normally about 10-13 inches (21-33 cm) in height and around 7-9 pounds (3-4 kg) in weight, while females are normally around 10-13 inches (21-33 cm) in height and 7-9 pounds (3-4 kg) in weight.
Chinese Crested Dog Breed Temperament
The Chinese Crested loves to spend time with his owner. This makes him a great candidate for competitive sports such as agility, flyball, and obedience, and they make great therapy dogs. They also enjoy and do well at lure coursing. They have a very sensitive nature and must be trained with gentle patience.
Chinese Crested Dog Breed Lifespan
The average lifespan for a Chinese Crested is 10 to 14 years. That’s because these are medium-sized dogs with a good mix of genes in their blood.
Interesting Facts about Chinese Crested Dog
- Chinese Crested are a small breed suitable for many kinds of dwellings, including apartments.
- A genetic link exists between dominant hairlessness and missing teeth. It is not a sign of “bad breeding” but simply goes along with the breed.
- A Chinese Crested should not be left out in the yard alone or be left off-leash on walks. Tiny as he is, large dogs could view him as prey. He can easily escape through fences, and he can jump even high ones.
- Although Chinese Crested do well with children, the age and personality of the children should be taken under consideration before getting a one of these dogs. They can be hurt easily because of their tiny size.
- The fact that he’s an exotic-looking dog might draw you to a Chinese Crested, but understand that they can be as temperamental as the next dog — and more so than some breeds.
- They have a stubborn streak.
- Chinese Crested will bark and behave like miniature guard dogs. If you want a quieter breed, look elsewhere.
- Chinese Crested are companion dogs and prefer to be with their owners and families. They cannot be left outside alone and will climb and dig to escape confinement if separated from their owners. They can also suffer from separation anxiety, which may make them destructive when they’re left alone for too long.
- Proper socialization is necessary for the Chinese Crested since they can become timid and fearful of people.
- Chinese Crested are relatively clean and are low- to nonshedder.
- To get a healthy dog, never buy a puppy from an irresponsible breeder, puppy mill, or pet store. Look for a reputable breeder who tests her breeding dogs to make sure they’re free of genetic diseases that they might pass onto the puppies, and that they have sound temperaments.
FAQ’s on Chinese Crested Dog
Are Chinese Crested smart?
Yes, Chinese Crested are a highly intelligent dog breed.
Are Chinese Crested trainable?
They are highly trainable, have the ability to learn complicated tasks, and perform excellently as search and rescue dogs.
Can Chinese Crested be kept with other dogs?
Chinese crested get along well with other dogs, cats, and small animals, so they’ll fit in well with any multi-pet homes. If you have a home with large dogs, make sure to supervise your pets, as the smaller Chinese crested could get trampled easily. This same advice can be used for children as well.
Can a Chinese Crested attack its owner?
No, Chinese Crested are a highly loyal breed. If this ever occurs it is due to poorly raising and socializing the dog and would be a very rare instance.
Another reason can be if the owner is interacting with a sexually charged up dog or a dog who does not consider the handler as a superior. Many Chinese Crested breeders invite Chinese Crested males into their kennel for mating. These males are in a new place and handled by new dog handlers. Instances of attacks on humans are possible in such a scenario. If you have brought a male Chinese Crested for breeding, be aware that you are not the master in the dog’s eyes.
Do Chinese Crested kill people?
This is a myth. Even when raised improperly, Chinese Crested will not kill a person. When they attack, it is due to them being raised and socialized improperly by the owner. The reason that they can hurt people more than most other dog breeds is the fact that they have strong jaws and have a bad reputation due to which victims are in shock.
Do Chinese Crested have locking jaws?
No, they do not have locking jaws.
Are Chinese Crested safe to keep with kids?
These small dogs are quite attached to their humans. They are affectionate, playful, alert and can be entertaining and goofy at times. They are good with children who are taught to be gentle with them, and they need thorough socialization to avoid shyness.
What should I feed my Chinese Crested?
Chinese Crested are known to piling on the pounds, however, so their diet should consist of biologically appropriate proteins, healthy fats, ground bones and vegetables – which are packed with essential vitamins and minerals – for optimum health and performance.
At what age is a Chinese Crested fully grown?
While large size dogs get into their full maturity in 18-20 months, the Chinese Crested being small dog reach maturity in 12-14 months.
How long does a Chinese Crested live?
A Chinese Crested can live anywhere from 10 to 14 years.