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Seven Habits Which Are Not Good for Your Mental Health

Mental health is a subject people don’t much about because of the taboo associated with it. If someone is suffering from any kind of mental issue, people start judging them and mostly tag them with terms like mental, insane, Paagal, etc. But one should remember that our mind is also a part of our body, and just like other parts of the body, our mental health can also get some problems and it’s nothing to be associated with being mental or insane.

But things started changing post-pandemic and many people began talking about mental health openly and seriously. Many people started taking care of their mental health by starting doing things like practicing yoga, meditation, exercise, or meeting an online counselor.

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All these approaches really helped to decrease the stigma related to mental illness. Here we have created a list of seven habits you should avoid as they are not good for your mental health.

  1. Poor Sleeping Pattern 

In today’s day and age where life is full of chaos, many people live an unhealthy lifestyle, especially in big cities and this includes poor sleeping patterns. It’s very important to have good sleep every day to have good mental health. One should sleep for at least 7-8 hours every night and one should go to bed earlier and avoid being a night owl. Good sleep aids to improve mental skills, such as attention, learning, and memory, while poor sleep can make them worse. Lack of sleep can make you tired, grumpy, and unfocused, and can create mayhem on your mental health.

  1. Lack of Exercise

People nowadays don’t get time to do exercise because of their busy schedules but it’s important to take out at least an hour from a day to exercise or do some sort of physical activity like yoga, jogging, cycling, etc. Regular exercise helps in decreasing anxiety, depression, and negative mood and improves self-esteem and mental health. Regular exercise also helps in curbing depression because exercising releases a feel-good chemical known as endorphins.

  1. Social Media

 In the last couple of years, the use of social media increased a lot. Using social media excessively can affect your mental health adversely. It directly affects your physical and mental health. It’s not that you need to use social media totally but decrease the time you spend on social media and enjoy the world outside. Excessive use of social media can lead to disturbed sleep, which is closely related to depression, memory loss, etc. Also, people put only the good moments from their lives on social media, and many times people start comparing their lives to others which is very unhealthy because it’s far away from the truth.

  1. Excessive Use of Smart Phone

Using your smartphone excessively can make you addicted to it and if you don’t use your phone for some time, you feel anxiety and the feeling of missing out on something. Overuse of smartphones and the absence of good news in notifications or fighting on social media can intensify the negative effects of smartphone overuse which affects your mental health. Use the smartphone as minimal as you can and use that time to do some productive activity.

  1. Failure Mindset

Many of us have the mindset of being a failure mostly by comparing our lives with others. One should understand that everyone can’t have the same time of life and the life you are leading may be a dream of many. The feeling of failure can give rise to problems like depression, low self-esteem, feeling hopelessness, and helplessness, feeling lost and alone, and having an unceasing low mood or sadness. Always try to be positive in life and it will improve your mental health.

  1. Being a Google Doctor

If you or anyone you know is suffering from any illness, visit a doctor instead of using Google to diagnose any problem. Also if anyone is feeling low does not mean he is suffering from depression which many Google searches show. Therefore, if you feel any type of sadness then consult a healthcare professional. The professional consultant will provide you with help to solve or cope with your problem.

  1. Work-Life Balance

 Keeping proper work-life balance is very important to have sound mental health. Many people who work for long hours feel mental stress. Also never bring your office work to your house till it’s very important. Your work is a part of your life and it’s not your life. Try to create a proper work-life balance by giving equal time and importance to both but never overdo anything. Maintain a balance and you will notice many positive effects in your life as it will reduce the risk of fatigue and stress.

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