Stay up in the game: 11 ways to help yourself, when life happens.
A very famous proverb goes something like this “When life gives you lemons make it lemonade”. In this fast moving world keeping up with the rest of the world can sometimes be an overwhelming experience. Maintaining a work life balance can get a bit difficult and sometimes nerve wracking as well. But no matter what, we have to keep up with the pace and move along with life, along with maintaining our physical and mental well-being. A fit mind and fit body is all one needs in today’s time, so no matter how hectic your schedule is, you should always take out some “me time”.
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With that being said here are some ways through which you can stay fit forever without letting life get in their way.
- Shower some kindness – Many a times we over burden ourselves with unimaginable expectations, in the quest of finding luxury and comfort we somewhere loose ourselves. All we need to do is stop and rethink our life and all the decisions that we have made so far. Be thankful for whatever life has offered and move on from those unfulfilled dreams and desires. This is a small but a significant step in finding peace and serenity in life. In order to keep your mind and body health one has to get over all those regrets one holds against themselves.
- Find your higher purpose – The best way to keep yourself happy and fit mentally as well as physically is to look for a purpose in life. Find that sense of belonging and strive every single day in that direction. That purpose can be anything, it can be your work or your passion, and anything that keeps you grounded providing you that higher vision in life. This will make you grow mentally and provide you with a clear vision of what exactly you want from your life.
- Work it out – One cannot stress enough on how important it is to keep your body healthy, nowadays we simply ignore our physical well-being and strain ourselves with the pressure of work. It’s high time to stop doing that and start exercising regularly. In the beginning you can take baby steps and once you develop a habit of it will become a lot easier for you to work out regularly and get yourself in perfect shape.
- Sleep tight – Get that good night’s sleep! Sleep well and sleep tight, after a long day at work all you need is a bed. We know you have a lot of series to binge watch but trust me nothing is worth compromising your sleep. Your body needs at least eight hours of sleep, so give that to your body and see how much glow and radiation that will bring on your face.
- Love your skin– Drink ample amounts of water to get that glowing skin, when we talk about being fit, the health of your skin also counts. Keep your skin hydrated and do your skin care regularly to maintain the overall health of your skin. A CTM (Cleanser Toner & Moisturizer) is a must do that at least twice a day.
- Count those calories – Always keep a track of your calorie intake, don’t get tempted by those mouth-watering dishes.
- Add some balance in your life – Balancing and prioritizing is a must, get yourself together and find that work life balance.
- Feed yourself well – Cook good food and treat your tummy with healthy and home cooked meals. In order to be healthy you need to get a balanced diet, and for that you have to take initiative. Fruit intake is also equally important, so take proper fruits and vegetables to keep your body healthy and far away from diseases.
- Learn new skills – Everyday it’s a chance to learn something new, you have abundance of information available on the internet, with the help of that you can learn something new every day.
- Don’t let procrastination get in the way – Be a go-getter! Complete all those tasks today, we know that you have been re-scheduling them time and again. But now is the time to stop procrastinating and get them complete.
- Look for a mentor – It’s never a bad idea to take some guidance in life. Look for a mentor, someone who can add some perspective in life. That mentor can be anyone, a teacher, a senior or someone from your family.